Pain Relief Podcast & Blog
with Pete Isaacs DJ, Entertainer, Bionic Man
My mission is to inform people about pain. It may be their pain, their friends’ pain, their family members, their spouse or whomever, but one thing we all know, everyone has experienced pain. On my podcast, I will be sharing my experiences and how I’ve dealt with each situation. I will also be inviting guests to share their stories, experiences and results. Together, we will show sufferers they are not alone. Let us make mental and physical changes together in the pursuit of relief. Additionally, I will be interviewing doctors and asking them their thoughts, ideas and information. Collectively, this source of shared information will give us a platform for people to come listen, read, and educate themselves; all while having fun while they are here.
Latest Blogs
Fibromyalgia is very much real and debilitating
OMGosh, I am so very sorry for the tardiness on this post. I have been extremely busy, which is very good, especially in these times.
It’s so hard to hear of anyone being in excruciating pain, but especially difficult when [READ MORE]
I have a sink or swim feeling.
I am honored and thankful to all of my followers and this week, I saw we had quite a lot of new followers. Welcome to you, from whatever avenue you found me, I would like to say that I am quite aware of the blog being more personalized at the moment. I am very close [READ MORE]
It’s been crazy but that’s good!!!!
It has been two weeks since the RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation), and I am extremely happy to report that it has given me much pain relief. I am up, around, and walking, with doing a very small workout each day, and it’s making me feel so good.
It was the beginning of November 2019 when all [READ MORE]